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« February 2006 | Main | April 2006 »

March 31, 2006

Alain Delon in Istanbul

Tonight is the night! We'll be at the opening ceremony of 25th International Istanbul Film Festival.And the guest of honour is Alain Delon and he'll be awarded with a special Lifetime Accomplishment Award!We are really excited to see him in person finally. This will be his first time in Turkey. Especially Mehmet is extremely excited because of his obsession to Alain Delon since his childhood(by the way , he's one of the best Alain Delon collectors in the world...yes we have a room almost filled with AD stuff!).Well we need to go now , we have a date with the most beautiful man on the world tonite...See you guys ;)
Related :: The Most Beautiful Man of the World

March 27, 2006

Señor Barcelona

After our trip to Barcelona people keep asking us what is so nice about the city!?Besides it's one of the best cities in the world , there are hot Catalan guys all over...proof?? Here is Sergi. He's Mr.Barcelona of  2006 Mr.Espana. He's 22 , 184 cm , a mechanical engineer. He has that sweet eyes and a very very nice body. We can give you tons of proofs if you ask. Just appreciate the beauties of Catalunya...


RonaldoWow , it's been a long time since we've last posted about Cristiano! In Premiere League , a game between Man.Utd and Arsenal. We're really grateful to the player who comitted a faul against Cristiano. That faul gave him an opportunity to show his flesh :P We know he's an exhibitionist and we don't complain about that. Just wondering which razor does he use for shaving his pubic hair? ( click on the image to see what's up?)



March 22, 2006

Every year since 1640 Turkey’s best wrestlers – men and boys – have gathered for their national championships on a grassy field near the capitol of the old Ottoman Empire (Edirne). The tournament is called “Kirkpinar,” or “Forty Springs,” in honor of a 17th Century wrestling  legend.Nearly 1,000 barefoot athletes compete, oiled up and stripped to the waist. The all-out style and the oiled trunks go back to the world-famous Janissaries, an elite fraternity of body guards to the Imperial Sultans. The modern stadium is located on the former site of the Sultan’s palace, and Turkey’s president crowns the champions.For three days the field is crowded with simultaneous matches in eleven divisions, ranging from school kids to forty-year-old masters. The sun is hot, but the fights are long.(Source)
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Earlier , we've made a post about A Turkish Wrestler bringing a suit against British photographer Terry George. For this post we've gotten some accusing comments and e-mails for betraying our traditional/national sport and introducing the Turkish wrestlers as gay people to the world! Well all we tried to say was this is an "eye-candy sport" for gay men. Just look at these pictures and tell us we're wrong!
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And have you ever wondered what do they do at home?? After the jump...

Continue reading "" »

March 20, 2006

12 Points to Dima!

24 years old Dima Bilan will represent Russia at the next Eurovision Song contest in Athens.Actually we saw him for the first time and never heard any songs of him.But does that matter?! We saw him and as far as we can see , that's enough:P He's gonna sing the song called "Never Let You Go". That's right baby , if we have you once , we'll never let you go....
Well both of the costumes are OK for the stage , tell us in which one do you guys prefer to see him on stage in Athens??!

PREF Special Issue

PREF Magazine's first special issue will be on the shelves on March 29. This first special issue is a succession of portfolios of French or international photographers who collaborated with the magazine the first two years.We are impatiently waiting to see the photos of François Rousseau , Dino Dinco , Joe Oppedisano , Brian Finke, Simen Johan, Bernard Faucon , François Burgun , Slava Moguti , Anthony Gayton and Arsen Savadov...

March 19, 2006


Last Night ,while most of the city was sleeping , something amazing happened just out of sight.People were climbing onto the rooftops of their apartments , stripping down to their jeans and basking in the moonlight...
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A handsome young man(Ricardo Santos) lies on his bed , waiting until the time is right to go out.He gets up and pulls on his Levi's Jeans...
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And while he's pulling on his jeans you can enjoy his cute ass and tasty bulge...
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It makes you think , what other things do people get up to at night??!!Do you wanna know and do you also wanna see the "hottest ever" Levi's commercial?? Click here

March 18, 2006

James Dean

A good portrait captures the essence of a person without trying too hard. With no words , a photo can only show but it has to also tell...
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Looking at a good portrait , the viewer sometimes feels they have seen or even come to know a little something about the subject. Maybe there is something in the subject's eyes , a gesture , the way a shirt is buttoned that makes a photo more than just a snapshot-makes it a kind of spiritual autobiography.
The Lowe Gallery has opened its doors to "James Dean and Roy Schatt:The Mirrored Psyche,"an exhibit that hasn't been displayed in its entirely in 50 years. Its white cinderblock walls and angled spotlights are appropriately conducive to appreciating Schatt's black and white photgraphs of the late actor James Dean , as well as photos taken y Dean himself.
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March 14, 2006

Rafael Navarro Duran : El Toreador

Cenk Gencdis is a 33 year-old photographer from Istanbul. He has several National/International awards in photography. His latest project was Rafael : Matador...He took photos of an 18 year old Catalan boy/Torreador. The photos are breath-taking so the boy is.
"...i go upstairs to room 104 , the door is open.Two young matadors are dressing up for an hour later fight.Rafael's coming out of the shower...fully naked..."OMG sounds really kinky!
Well if you're a frequent reader from a long time you must know how we love everything about Spain , especially about Barcelona. And this boy really rocks.
We'd love to be his "ayudante" *!!
Ayudante is a personal dresser for the matadors who helps for everything(!!) while they're getting dress.

March 13, 2006

Jamie Goes West!

Jamie Dornan is an Irish Model and Keira Knightley's ex. You guys probably remeber him from this CK ad.(if you see the ad it's impossible not to remember him!!).He is also a musician, he has a really nice voice. He is in a band called "Sons of Jim".
After spending some quality time on the beach side , he headed to the west.And we think that was a good idea!! What do you think??
If there will be a sequel of BBM , he is definitely on our list!!!

March 11, 2006

What If ?

What if these photos were real? The hottest and distinguished couple of all times , don't you think so?? We saw these for the first time and loved it.Enjoy...


March 10, 2006

A Year Loaded with Gael!

It's gonna be a year which will be filled with Gael Garcia...we don't have any complains about that :) cause we love his acting and also himself very much. After seeing him in "The King" and "The Science of Sleep" , guys get ready for his upcoming movie "Babel". Again with Alejandro Gonzales Innaritu after huge hit "Amores Perros".Then a second feature film with Carlos Cuaron(director of Y Tu Mama Tambien) ; "Toto".Also according to Allocine ; he's going to direct his first movie which will be inspired by a Mexican Series called "Ruta 32". Waiting for all these projects will be a tough time for us. And as for his "almost" all movies we are expecting to see him naked ;)

March 06, 2006

Less then 3 hours to the ceremony...Our hearts go with Brokeback Mountain , Transamerica and Crash...We'll see...
Our blogmates Josh and Josh will blog the awards live!...don't miss that!



Well guys , it's over and here is what we think about the winners...


Gustavo Santaolalla's great music  , Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana's screenplay and Ang Lee's fabulous directing got what they deserve...How about Jake's phenomenal performence?? We think he should also get an Oscar! And the speech of Ang Lee...he thanked everyone , even every single Chinese on this planet , but not a single word for Heath and Jake?!


Crash was one of the best movies we've seen last year and our second choice for the Best Motion Picture award.And the moment Jack Nicholson annonced the winner the happiness on cute Ryan Phillippe's face was worth everything.We almost forgot about how much we wanted to see the statuette in BBM Producers' hand!


We don't see the movie yet so no idea if Philip Seymour Hoffman was that good. But we read lots of good reviews from the critics...


No idea about this one either...if Reese was half good as Felicity Huffmann then she deserved the Oscar.


This was Jake' comment.


Rachel is beautiful and a very good actress.We first saw her in I Want You and adored her.


What the...?! We hated the song or whatever it is...


March 03, 2006



March 02, 2006

Song of the Moment : Goldfinger !

He's the man, the man with the midas touch
A spider's touch
Such a cold finger
Beckons you to enter his web of sin
But don't go in...

Lyrics  :Anthony Newley - Leslie Bricusse
Music  :John Barry


March 01, 2006

Jonathan Rhys-Meyers

Jonathan is on the cover of Italian L'Uomo Vogue's February issue in giorgio Armani outfits. I don't know who the photographer was but these photos are the best ones of Jonathan's i think.
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He's beautiful as always and stylish and very good at striking a pose...
Lower the pants are better. Just one word...he's gorgeous.
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An Old Friend's Return!

Xy_coverWe love it by the time we have it our own copy from eBay...It was young , independent and fresh. So we decided to subscribe it and did it...then?? nothing happened! Even my credit card hasn't charged for the subscription and surely couldn't get a single issue. We thought there was something wrong for subscribing it from Turkey and meantime forgot about it. Yesterday i found a huge envelope in my mailbox and thought the new issue of Préf is in it. And i got home , put the envelope on the table with the other ones and bills...Suddenly i noticed that it's from California and got excited about the content and opened it is...our very own issue of XY Magazine , 1 year delayed with an apology note from the editor about the problems they've dealed with during 2005.YAY!
Hopes+Dreams is the theme for this issue and we love every single page...So here are the pictures of Danny by Sean Bentz.
Enjoy them...

Happy Hour with the Jock-straps!

This time our favorites are different...i chose the one on the right and M chose the about you guys?? Post a comment ,we are really wondering your choices. By the way drinks are from A Coffee House Migraine. Our friend David always has a very good taste of picking up hot boys over the net. We adore his taste. Thanks David!