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« Song of the Moment : Fernando | Main | Do-It-Yourself! »

June 22, 2006


Hola guys! Let us introduce you the newest and the hottest midfielder of AC Fiorentina : Antonio Luis Jimenez Garces...or as most of the people call him : EL MAGO ( the magician).
Luis is 22 , 178 cm , 76 kg from Santiago , Chile. He plays for AC Fiorentino for almost a year.He's one of the rising stars in Italian Football League.
As most of the South American hotties he has that good looks , nice body and "eat me , bite me" impression(lol).We're sure that he'l be the next star of the fields...Eat enjoy him!!


Hey! Greetings from Santiago de Chile... i've been visiting ur site for a while and now i see my flag on it... it was amazing...

Love your site!

Take care...


Whoa. You guys really keep up with the sports :) And I'm glad for that.


he's hot, but his tattoo's pretty screwed up... just bunch of random oriental characters... don't even have any meaning in chinese nor japanese.

but nice though.

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