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August 28, 2005

Gay Bed and Breakfast in Paris


Bed & Breakfast is situated at the historical Place de la République, in the 3th area of Paris, at the edge of Le Marais, the gay center of Paris.
Hosts are a young gay couple of French and Dutch nationality. They speak French, Dutch, English, and are always willing to give you suggestions and directons of where to go for side seeing, dinner, clubbing and other entertainment and are happy to share their knowledge of historical facts and interesting anekdotes about various places and times in beautiful Paris and Le Marais.

The offered accommodation has a surface of about 12m2 and contains a double kingsize bed, a little sitting corner and television with video. Two double doors give access to a long balcony, overlooking the Place de la République.
The room comes with a private bathroom with shower and bath, and a separate private guest toilet. Towels are provided.
The breakfast is self made. However, they provide the guests with coffee and tea facilities, a diversity of bread, confiture and orange juice.

Our friends Rob & Yann(the hosts) sent us an e-mail about B&B. They also started a blog today called "Beautiful".

Well holidays in Paris sounds very romantic. If you stay in République we bet it'll double your romanticism. We already began to make some plans about a trip to Paris after seeing République.


Get Well Soon...


One of our best friends had a car accident last week. While we were at home last weekend , almost 1 a.m. we had a call from her. She told us that she had a car accident and still in her car. We were shocked and drove there as fast as we can. The view was horrible ; her car looked like a piece of junk and the drunk bastard with a Range Rover stood next to her car with his fancy clothes without any idea what's going on?! thank god she was OK...well a little bit shocked but OK. Paramedics was there. She had an operation from her neck and we were at the hospital all week after work. Yesterday night we were there with a bottle of wine and some snacks. We really had a great time , celebrating this thing is over. Sure it's forbidden to bring wine in a hospital room but we sneaked in.


August 27, 2005

Casual in Barcelona!


Countdown to Barcelona...we are going to leave for Barcelona on Friday. Couldn't wait to see the city , friends and Edu...

August 25, 2005

Good Taste in Neighbourhood


Fauna is a small cafe with home made delicious pasta. It's located in the next street to our apartments.When we're tired to cook after work(like today) we generally go there to eat or have a cup of coffee.The owner of the place is a professional photographer and he is a very briliant cook in the same time.He has a very good taste and he really enjoys cooking. Fauna is a peaceful place.We really have great time there.


August 23, 2005

WANTED....Robinson Guy....alive


Actually he is everywhere...on the newspapers , magazines , billboards.This is an ad photo of Robinson Club . He's extremely hot. Anyone knows who he is ? We are thinking seriously to travel to Robinson Clubs in Southern Turkey , find him(surely throw that bitch to the sea) and take off that tiny trunk , give him the comfort he wants and...

Turkish Delight


After so many decades of trying to become Western, Istanbul glories in the rediscovery of a very modern identity. European or not, it is one of the coolest cities in the world.

By Owen Matthews and Rana Foroohar
Newsweek International

Spend a summer night strolling down Istanbul's Istiklal Caddesi, the pedestrian thoroughfare in the city's old Christian quarter of Beyoglu, and you'll hear something surprising. Amid the crowds of nocturnal revelers, a young Uzbek-looking girl plays haunting songs from Central Asia on an ancient Turkic flute called a saz. Nearby, bluesy Greek rembetiko blares from a CD store. Downhill toward the slums of Tarlabasi you hear the wild Balkan rhythms of a Gypsy wedding, while at 360, an ultratrendy rooftop restaurant, the sound is Sufi electronica—cutting-edge beats laced with dervish ritual. And then there are the clubs—Mojo, say, or Babylon—where the young and beautiful rise spontaneously from their tables to link arms and perform a complicated Black Sea line dance, the horon. The wonder is that each and every one of these styles is absolutely native to the city, which for much of its history was the capital of half the known world.

Ist3 Levent02

Our city...we really proud of her especially when we see such articles. We always complain about our lives in Istanbul , traffic jam , dirt  ,people...but when we're away always miss her.

What you want,when you afford it...


I am a guest in Gaydar for several years. I don't pay anything for my profile or viewing other profiles.Because i am a cheap ass , i admit limited number of viewable profile , limited number of messages , limited number of e-mails , etc. Ok , this is something people work really hard for. And i can totally understand some of the limitations. But this time they've gone so far...

Due to external requirements, Gaydar has to restrict the viewing of adult content pictures. From 22 August 2005 adult content will only be accessible to Members. You will still be able to send and receive Private Photos regardless of content, but to view any adult photos on the site you will need to be a Member.

they want me to pay them 14 bucks monthly to see this ??


August 21, 2005

Raikkonen Triumphant in Istanbul !

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Kimi Raikkonen wins the first Turkish Grand Prix in Istanbul on Sunday and Renault's title favorite Fernando Alonso snatches second place after a mistake by Raikkonen's McLaren team mate Juan Pablo Montoya.

Spaniard Alonso, now 24 points clear of Raikkonen with five races left, takes the runner-up position after Colombian Montoya spins on the penultimate lap while following Raikkonen home.'s over for this year ; hope to  see you guys next year in Istanbul.

August 19, 2005

Up up and away...!


Superman finally returns...After almost two decades the first super hero on silver screen will be in theatres on June 2006. First it has been announced that Brandon Routh will be the new Superman and we checked him on the internet , we really had some suspicions. Christopher Reeve was a legend for us and we always think he was the perfect match for Superman. But after we saw Brandon in Superman/Clark Kent costumes made our decision that he's the second best!(Unlike Tobey as Peter Parker...well we like him but not as a Peter Parker. In Spidey comic books , Parker is a hot and a cute guy with long legs and perfect muscles). Bryan Singer (X-Men , X-Men2) is the director and we're sure that he's gonna do it well. We hope the movie is going to be a big hit and we can watch the sequels as well.


In Loving Memory of Christopher Reeve...

August 18, 2005

Good or Evil?...who cares...


Rob Matthew is a model from Tampa - FL. He is "the muse " of photographer David Vance for 15 years. Lots of hot shots from David. We couldn't decide if he is a muse or not , the only thing we decide is he is out of this world(nice tail by the way...:P)


August 16, 2005

The Night is Young and Hot!


13l_2 It's a very hot night in Istanbul. The temperature and the humidity is awful...we spent all night in the terrace and had tons of liquid. But we can still look at those pics ; in case if you live in a lower temperature and want some summer heat take a look at those...Yeah they're real , and we're ready to buy an A/C to keep just one those at home(yummm!)

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August 15, 2005

Countdown to F1 - Istanbul Park


On 19 , 20 and 21st of August , Istanbul is ready to host F1 for the first time. During summer most of the F1 pilots visited Istanbul for some promotion. Especially Fernando Alonso enjoyed his Istanbul trip very much. Surely he's one the hottest pilots in F1 history and most of the girls and us are waiting for him to win the race.

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August 13, 2005

Universiade 2005 - Izmir


The 23rd Universiade 2005, Izmir, one of the biggest sports organizations in the world, started with a gigantic show on Thursday, August 11th 2005, at 19:15, at the Atatürk Stadium.

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The name of the cultural performance is“Anatolia, the land where the sun rises” and the main theme of the performance is The Anatolian Civilizations and the outstanding personalities and features of Anatolian Culture. The show, which took place at the Atatürk Stadium, broadcasted to the world audience through live transmission.

We were waiting the games impatiently to be able to see hot college boys around. First impressions are O.K. We saw a water polo game and a diving training. Looking forward to see more swimming suits.

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August 12, 2005

Brent to die for...


He's a hybrid of all your fantasies, both a twink and a jock with a straight acting demeanor, a perfectly hung cock(it's really something worths to see but sorry guys no frontal nudity on this site...go and check Brent's site) and lips that seem to go on for days. Brent has become one of the most sought after performers on the scene by both fans and industry alike, but he's also one of the business's best kept secrets.
We just adore him. His looks , lips , everywhere ! He has that boy next door looks also the muscles of a jock. We first saw him on School Boy Crush and then saw almost all of the serie :) (well we think the first one was the best though!his partner in SBC3 was another hot Brent)

August 11, 2005



I know this looks weird...lots of blogs around could have 1000 hits per day , but we're new ; only 26 days and we almost reached 1000 hits.Thank you guys. We really appreciate it. The one who saw the number "1000" under the "visitors" , please let us know.We wanna know who you are...actually we wanna know who the everybody are!

Edit : Salute to Mark...our 1015th visitor! Thanks. Keep reading us :)

August 09, 2005

Everything's OK :)

Sorry_copy Everything's O.K. :))

August 07, 2005

Bosphorus Bridge in Rainbow Colors?Yeah Yeah Yeah!!


English artist Ned Pamphilon (who loves Turkey, especially Istanbul) is trying to get permission from the government to paint Bosphorus Bridge in rainbow colours for peace in the world(god finally we have a gay bridge which bonds 2 continents!!)Both of us use that route to be able to go to work .We support him by voting for Rainbow Bridge so you should do that too. Unfortunately we think Turkish Government somehow is going to notice that the rainbow is something related to gay people and won't accept that!

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Out Istanbul 2005...coming soon!


Out Istanbul is the one and only Gay & Lesbian Film Festival in Turkey. Last year we saw couple of good movies such as "Eating Out" , "Danny in the Sky" , "Cock and Bull Story". They were all nice.This year's festival has just announced , but still no news about the movies. We'll let you know about all the details in September hopefully.

Istanbul Under Heavy Rain


Last night the weater was terrible in Istanbul. Thunder storm , heavy rain and stuff.Problems with electricity , cable services...but the view was spectacular. We lighted candles , headed to the terrace with our drinks , watched the lightnings (some of them were scary), rain and breathe fresh air.That was really nice. (images from


Iker Casillas


Place of Birth...Madrid - España

Date of Birth...May 20 1981

Weight..........80 kg

Height..........185 cm

His career started in the 7 and 8-year-old Club’s team in season 90/91. After joining the Club and Iker02 step by step, this goalkeeper from Móstoles has gone through all the teams in the Real Madrid’s Sports Complex (“Ciudad Deportiva”). His dreams came true in season 98/99 when he was called for the first team. He played in the Third Division team that season and a year later he made it into the Real Madrid’s second team. He found his reward for this unstoppable promotion when he was called for the lower squads of the National Team. He was one of the key players for the Under-21 National Team’s achievement of the World Championship in 2000. He has been part of the Real Madrid’s first squad since season 99/00 when he has settled down as if he was an experienced player.

Iker Casillas is very committed to the people around him. He enjoys going out with his friends and listening to Spanish music. One of the things he likes the most in his private life is to have some fried eggs with potatoes made for him.
(via Real

Casillasaction Now i am ready to go shopping for some Spanish Music cds , a pan , some eggs and potatoes! I can make some fried eggs with potatoes for him...well i can do more than that!

Iker is one of the hottest guys in Spanish National Soccer League. Unfortunately he's a goal keeper and we don't have any chance to see some "cloth malfunctions" of him.

August 06, 2005



Sometimes I wonder why we should live in Istanbul, why we don't have MTV-US and why MTV Europe sucks?! Thanks to emilyn of Musings of a Virgin we discovered MTV's Undressed a little late!

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"Not getting enough action before you go to bed? Undressed will definitely be changing that! This season is sure to titillate your senses--so tune in!"

We'd love  to tune in please make mtv europe air this show!

August 02, 2005

Spencer Tunick in Istanbul??!

Spencerhimself Artist Spencer Tunick has been documenting the live nude figure in public, with photography and video , since 1992. Since 1994 he has organized over 65 temporary site-related installations in the United States and abroad. Tunick's installations encompass dozens , hundreds or thousands of volunteers ; and his photographs are records of these events.Since 1992 , he has been arrested 5 times while attempting to work outdoors in New York City.Spencer1


We read on papers that he is planning to organize an installation in Istanbul.We don't think that is a good idea! Have mercy to our eyes. O.K. ,there are lots of good looking guys in Istanbul but Spencer please be sure that your volunteers from Istanbul will probably be like that!!!


Oh La La!

Ollg OhLaLaGuys is a unique social network for dating, work and travel. Promote yourself, your talents (whatever you think they are ;-) and lifestyle through a gay network of like-minded people. In association with Manjam... already 40,000 members from all over the world !

The original "Oh La La Guys" Steph&Alek did it again! They started the biggest threat for Gaydar on internet. Oh La La Guys is a great , stylish network to explore the hottest guys around the world. We adore "who's travelling" section. Hope to meet good friends all around the world.

Great job guys...

We're Grateful To You Jack!

Jack01_1 Born in Miami and raised in Los Angeles, Jack Slomovits picked up his first camera at the age of six, an Eastman Kodak "Brownie." Throughout high school and college, he won several fine art, photography and film-making awards and a scholarship to study at Parsons. In 1991 he moved to New York City to study photography at Fordham University and.learned the "trade" while working at a major New York film lab.

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Growing up in the 80’s and maturing sexually in an age of AIDS, Jack’s lust for adventure was tempered by his fear and awareness of the disease. He experimented as far as his own boundaries for safe play would allow, and became conscious of how much fantasy dictates the reality of eroticism. By merging his sexual energy as a young man and his art, the camera replaced the condom and has become his wand of control.Jack04

We love the art of Jack Slomovits...especially Jack!!Nice choice.Go and check his site.

You can also purchase the photos you like.


All images copyright © Jack Slomovits