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June 26, 2006

Hi-Tech Fetish

We have no idea what his nipple is capable of playing , only thing we know is we really like that fetish : a cool electronic gadget on a hot man's nipple. Click on the image above to see more fetishes...
Hitec01 Hitec02
Via Gayya Kuyusu


Click on the image to check Jasper Goodall's goodies on his website...brilliant! (Via Gayya Kuyusu)

June 17, 2006


  • We spend a lifetime putting up day a boy walks by , touches the stone , the walls come tumbling down! Is Cameron the one for Ethan? Read this from the greatest writer of the blogs...Shades of Gray
  • I love my parents very much, and I am thrilled that they are now a part of my real life!Don't be afraid the length of the post once you begin to read , you'll forget about everything!Coming out to parents?!Our friend Matt of Debriefing the Boys did it!
  • David of A Coffee House Migraine is finally back!YAY!We've missed him and his posts a lot.He's back with a sad story , a story that made us remember the most important thing in life is health!
  • Tom was only in Paris but now he is everywhere! A bit late notice but he's also now available at "Mates" section besides "18+". Tom @ Elsewhere
  • Queen Elizabeth celebrates 80th Birthday surrounded by men...well with her sons and grandsons.The interesting part is the preparations of the Topless British Troops for the military pageant as a treat for her!Towleroad
  • One of our newest blogmates ; Gaytrix introduces a game about American History...a naughty one!I spent almost an hour to be able to pass the class and surely learned a lot about the basics of the American History...well the teacher was very good at teaching!!I got an A and a cigar?!

June 08, 2006

YMB Models

Most of you have probably heard about YMB-Models , such a shame we just found it!And loved it by the first time we saw it. Lots of hot and casual guys with muscles and pretty faces and some of them even has videos. If you're not aware of the site you better go and check...

May 29, 2006

So Slowly


May 14, 2006


Steven Kneff is a boy who's attending college at the University of Michigan, dreaming of becoming an attorney in New York City.We got an e-mail from him about re-launching his weblog! Wannabeleader is about politics and stuff...and just look at him , isn't he hot or what ;)

April 06, 2006


  • Bond Goldfingers his Thunderballs!!"I was out recently and all these gay guys were over me like a rash, but they never ask about the Bond plot."A quote from Mr."Ugly"Bond...via Towleroad
  • The New Bond Boys instead of Bond Girls...via OhLaLaParis
  • Ryan Phillippe back in cool gear and skateboarding down a street in Santa Monica...via CoolnClassic
  • A Delayed flight and a Ridiculously Hot Straight Athlete...Debriefing The Boys
  • I'll Always Love You...Now and Forever(this is something makes us feel sad , the last one of four posts.You should begin reading from here to learn the whole story...Kay is a very good friend and he deserves the best)...Story of Jay and Kay
  • On March 1, Justin Cole of Meet started out on a great adventure , following LGBT issues and movements across the USA by conducting video interviews with people in their communities...for more click here

February 21, 2006

Three Diamonds

In Spain, back in the 70's, television networks used diamonds as a rating code for minor viewers. Three Diamonds was the highest level and was meant to warn against programs not suitable for minors under 18.Nowadays Three Diamonds is questioning about masculine sexuality. It's a peculiar   vision of men and of their hedonistism. Gaby who is a graphic designer from Paris , sent us an e-mail about his work and Three Diamonds project. Go and check his website...

January 31, 2006

Midnight Lounge


December 23, 2005

A Casual Touch on Best Gay Blogs!


Best Gay Blogs has a new look!We dare to participate their "We Dare You Logo Contest" and now proudly present the New Best Gay Blogs with our logo design on the top...We love the new look ; what do you think?? Just click the image or the link above and make comments.

December 01, 2005

Happy Birthday Alek


Happy Birthday , wishing you all the best Dear Alek...

November 28, 2005

It's All About The Team!

Emre_small The New Adidas Website is really cool. Has lots of features with nice flash animations and music. Especially you need to check the football section!! Well it's very surprising to see our star player Emre Belozoglu (you'll hear more about him soon from us). He is now playing for Newcastle United in Premiere League. He's adorable ; we have a big crush on him since the World Cup 2003. Also the site has some bonus cuties like Kaka , Ballack and Becks...Go and check the site : highly reccomended!

Ballack_1 Kaka

In Depth : Casual in Istanbul

Bestgay_2Casual in Istanbul on Best Gay Blogs! We had an online interview with them. Click on the image and discover us ;)Thanks to BGB guys for this !

November 27, 2005

Belated Birthday Wishes


On November 25 , Jay of Story of Jay and Kay turned 28. This is a belated birthday celebration from us to him. Also see Kay's check-list for Jay's birthday. Thier blog is really one of a kind ; very intimate and fun to read. We wish you all the best dear friends...

November 18, 2005

Absolute Sultans...Discover Turkey with Luxury and Style !


ABSOLUTE SULTANS invite you to one of the most intriguing and stimulating places on earth.
Probably nowhere else has the has such diversity and allure. From the mythological legends of ancient ruins to the vibrant city of Istanbul where you can discover a cacophony of sights, sounds and smells, from the bustling harbour where the aroma of freshly fried fish and spices pervade the air to the tranquil serenity of the Blue Mosque. Here over 6,000 years of history comes to life with every street corner you turn. The skyline is a vivid mix of the ancient and modern and in the warm glow of a sunset when from the minarets the call to prayer drifts across the city, the magic is complete.You can be sure of a unique travel experience that you will stay with you for ever ......
With the attentive service, you will travel in luxury in a small group of like minded travellers. Your accommodation and meals will be of the highest quality. They select only the finest deluxe hotels and renowned gourmet restaurants, Turkey boasts some of the world's best where you can rub shoulders with the sophisticated jet set And with recommendations and guidance you will be able to experience more than just a holiday.
You will end your vacation with new friends, a wealth of lingering memories and aching need to return soon.


Istanbul has a blossoming and diverse gay scene and nowhere more evident than around the Taksim area of the city, where as dusk falls the young and beautiful, the rich and famous and the simply drop dead gorgeous come out for a hedonistic night of entertainment. Your gay guide on this tour will take to some of the most vibrant and exciting clubs and bars of Istanbul.

Managing director and the real Sultan , Serra sent us a very sweet e-mail with nice compliments about Casual in Istanbul. And after seeing Absolute Sultans ,we admired it. The most elegant Gay Travel Site in what are you waiting for check the site and come here???

November 06, 2005

François Rousseau


Go and check world-famous French photographer François Rousseau's new web site.You'll discover the visual definition of male beauty from his portfolio and his books...Also you can find about his ads , videos and exhibits in there.From January 2006, you will be able to discover in the category Bonus, photographies series exclusively realized for the site.

Via OhLaLaParis

Beautiful Beur

Beur_long_banner Beur (butter) is the name under which Arab and mixed colored men are known in France. In a short time this has become an understanding in the (gay)culture. In addition to organizations like Citebeur, Kelma and BabyBoy Magazine, BEAUTIFUL is going to give you weekly portraits of these most beautiful boys and men.

October 27, 2005

It's Thursday...YAY!

It's Thursday...a beautiful Thursday...we're waiting for the new hot guy of this thursday from our Beautiful friends from Paris...Rob , Yann...your turn guys !


October 23, 2005

Dark Angel on the Web


She is the dark angel of film industry like her father.She is an actress , a director , a writer , a model, a photographer , an artist...and she can handle these very well. We love every single project she's involved. And now she renewed her webpage


If you like her , just go and check her won't regret it.


September 28, 2005

Hot Guys from the Streets


We found this blog tonight and loved it. We love the hot guys from the streets and we love to take pictures of them. No information about the blogmasters and all of the street guys are dressed but Photographs of Hot Guys from the Streets is a really tasty photoblog. Go and check German , French and Czech boys...

September 25, 2005

Thank You Guys

We're really flattered...two of our blogmates A Guy Site and Holligay honored Casual in Istanbul in their blogs and made us their featured sites!


A Guy Site

Thank You Nate .And also we're really happy to hear that no danger for TX from Rita !



And thank you Holger. We really have similar tastes. We'd pick those pics too...LOL

August 02, 2005

Oh La La!

Ollg OhLaLaGuys is a unique social network for dating, work and travel. Promote yourself, your talents (whatever you think they are ;-) and lifestyle through a gay network of like-minded people. In association with Manjam... already 40,000 members from all over the world !

The original "Oh La La Guys" Steph&Alek did it again! They started the biggest threat for Gaydar on internet. Oh La La Guys is a great , stylish network to explore the hottest guys around the world. We adore "who's travelling" section. Hope to meet good friends all around the world.

Great job guys...

July 17, 2005


Municipality_1 Istanbulcom_2 Istanbulnet_2 Istanbullife_2 Istanbulpark_1 34trcom_1

Ohlala Matty

Jandk Edu Achm Frank_2
Shadesofgray_1 Midnight_1

Popbytes Russian

Aguysite Magmozine Bedtime Begay Bent_1 Berkeley Bestgay Boybox  Brice Burningheaven Dafzone Ericmatt Freshntasty Gayya Gcspotlight Guytvblog Holligay  Mib Musings Nuba Nudeinturkey Ohlalaguys Photosnaps Pinkblog Proceed Robocub Salsapimenta Thelonelee Thomasco Towleroad   Allhookedup Ashangelo Mb Sodomy Paisleypunch Rantings Frenchboyfriend Queermind Bjorn Completelynaked Gayburg Joshandjosh Fleshbot Socialite Manchic Frink Danrenzi Ziggy Malcontent Abi Manmeatmaster Amanyala 17_1 Coolnclassic Debrief Beautiful_1 Banana Gaynantes Boxofrecollections Aussielicious Bentstreet Dudetube Peculiar 2bexposed Ace_1 Ryan_1 Hollywoodville Onebody Onethird Letters So_slowly_1 Gaytrix Lonestar TomelsewhereOnegaydate Hunkdujour
Beautyandbum_3 Parisianboys_4 Gayovision_2 Lesombres_2101 Urban Mensports Janus


Tominparis_2 Gaze_2 Greekgaylolita_1 Gayscally_1 Worldgayweb Pink_1 Moc Qc  Lovegaysex_1 Gerrit3000

Bennothoma_1 Dylanricci_1 Francoisrousseau_1 Leeandrew_1 Anthonygayton Terrygeorge
Lewispayton Rolfmaas

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