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« WHY???!!! | Main | Something Wicked! »

July 23, 2005

Hayda Bre* Terry George!

* A Turkish oil-wrestler exclamatory word to begin wrestle!

Omerkalender_2 According to Turkish daily newspapers ; A Turkish oil-wrestler, Omer Kalender is going to sue Terry George for publishing and selling his pictures on internet under the title "Turkish Gays". A group of experts(probably with no english and lots of prejudice) from Corum Law Court  has studied carefully on the site and decided that Terry George denigrated our traditional sport event.

We checked but couldn't find any phrase like "Turkish Gays" or something like that.

All we can see is an article about warning gay men the violence they could get if they go and see the oil-wrestling event under the title " Gay men are not welcome watch Turkish oil wrestling 2005 " which contains a gallery of Turkish oil-wrestlers.

Adsz Come on guys! You put on that tight leather pants , rub your muscles with olive-oil, wrestle , put your hands inside your rival's pants , grab his ass and call that a MACHO TRADITIONAL SPORT!!??

You have to be thankful to Terry to publish your pics on internet. This is something we called "Publicity".

Oh! By the way i'd like to ask Omer Kalender how could he found Terry's site? Well it's a gay-based site and if you don't know his name you could only find that site by searching "gay pics" in a search engine! We can understand that you have to be in the closet if you're a MACHO ATHLETE in Turkey but at least think twice before you sue him!!


Comments's are saying that george did not denigrate the traditional oil wrestling...well guess wat! you boys are...who gives you the right to talk about our sport that way? your the one calling the people that do this sport, gay...well its a TRADITIONAL sport you have absolutely no right to acuse omer of what was said about him and let alone make judgements..i would like to let use know that you's are next for being sued when omer and his lawyers hear your aligations about the sport and omer himself...i suggest you's drop the subject about gays in this sport and espeacially omer being gay..because he was told about the site(just like i found this site via typing omer kalender into a google search engine), he didnt find it...arent you's the boys telling everyone not to accuse people without knowing who they are? well i think you's need a reality check..get ur facts right and dont stuff your our opinions into an article...because your opinions stink...............

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